This client came depressed and with a broken heart. She wanted to fall out of love… In reality are our expectations from the other person that has been broken. What my Energy Healing work does is to remove the Energy Blockages that cause the pain. Removing energy blockages set us free to move on in life. The memories of the other person we love are not going to go away, and the pain and suffering will when that toxic energy is removed from our bodies. Healing a broken heart, mending a broken heart is possible and real!!!
“And then it got a little clearer, and I saw someone walking towards me. But it was good, it wasn’t scary. And yeah… I thought you had a light over me. I thought oh maybe it’s like a himalayan salt lamp or something like that. It was really bright… And then I don’t know if was just me, but I saw a two-headed snake, like right when I was telling myself I need to get rid of the anger. And after that it started to become light [The snakes or other things people see during sessions is their mind’s eye or Spiritual Eye and are dynamic energy blockages or entities – intelligent forms of energy blockages]. “
Healing from Depression means removing the Energy Blockages that are causing it. These toxic energies from the events that caused depression, are the root cause of it.
Those Energy Blockages do not belong to us! Neither Depression! Freedom from Depression is possible when the toxic energies created at the painful events, that on time form Energy Blockages in our Heart chakra, Solar Plexus and Second Chakra located in the lower abdomen under the navel.
“I was a different person when I walked out from here. I never considered myself a negative person, but when I first time came to you, I felt I wasn’t myself. I never had depression before, but that was the time period when I just felt like something wanted me down or my bad things kept happening to me during that time. Someone told me about Reiki so I researched it and found you. I walked to my first session with so much negativity and I felt amazing after that: everything that I was going through run away right away. I didn’t even think that was possible. I was a different person walking out of here. It taught me so much, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.”
After a broken heart is very common to experience depression. To heal both Depression and the Broken Heart, it’s crucial that the Root Cause is addressed. That Root Cause is the Energy Blockage created during the Emotion Trauma of the broken heart. It could be developed gradually or in one instant event. Both are equally painful. Removing the Energy Blockage will lead to ease the pain (in the middle of the chest or Heart Chakra) and give 50% more energy to the person to move on in life.
“It was so powerful what happened that day. I have no words to explain it. When you feel they take away that weight off you, that toxic energy, you don’t know what to do. Now I don’t have that pain, that anxiety, that sadness, that negativity.”