Healing Lower Back Pain Management with Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki Energy Healing has been used for pain management effectively for many years. People who have pain or chronic pain have reported a reduction of the pain. When the normal flow of energy is blocked by chronic unhealthy emotions or thoughts, pain develops. Pain can also be described as an excess of energy that can’t flow through a certain body part. Usually pain is a sign of the body to wake up to the realization/knowledge that something has to change in our life: lifestyle, nutrition and in most cases toxic thought patterns.

Reiki is a balancing form of bio-energy healing, energy medicine or energy work that assists in removing energetic blockages, which then allows the normal flow of energy to be restored and helps to eliminate pain. 

Most Energy Healers have the ability to “sense/find” where the Energy Blockages or Root Causes of pain are. Then the Energy Healer removes those blockages in a few or several Reiki (or other forms of Energy healing modalities) sessions. Typically 3 to 5 sessions for mild to not serious conditions. Once the Energy Blockage is removed, The Energy flows into our chakras and distributed to our organs and body parts. The conflict of energies we call pain, has no purpose and vanishes.

The Origin of Pain (Part 1) – Many times pain does not have a physical origin… It come from unbalanced or disturbed energies: Energy Blockages. 

The Origin of Pain (Part 2) – In this video I show a simple test to find out if your pain is from physical sources, energy imbalances or energy blockages.

“All those places where I was feeling pain are gone! I feel like the energy can flow throughout my body. At the beginning of the session I felt a sort of overwhelming peacefulness come over. I could feel energy throughout my body, starting from my head, all the way down to my toes. I especially felt as the energy was coming through my head. That my mind and my body were completely open to the Universe and then the energy was flowing through me.”

“I’ve never had a Reiki distance healing before. It wasn’t difficult to understand that a distance energy healing session would work as well as in person because most living things have electromagnetic fields that we can even measure. There are many things we don’t know and I believe there are physical and energetic reasons for distance energy healing sessions to work.”

“Today it’s my 5th Reiki energy healing session. I came with a very sharp hip pain and lower back pain. Surprisingly, after 5 to 10 minutes into the Reiki session, the sharp-piercing pain quietly went away! and I’m pain free now! This is very good!” 

“My first session with Carlos I set the intention to release energies that weren’t mine. (Sometimes) I can be a sponge, I think. Just feeling as though there was energy residing in me that maybe wasn’t mine, some negativity. And I didn’t even relay that to Carlos at all. We didn’t speak much even before the session, but there is this calm sense of knowing and awareness.”

Reiki has been successfully used by Dr. Oz before, during, and after his heart surgeries to eliminate post surgery depression and organ transplant rejection. There are also Pain Management clinics that regularly incorporate Reiki Energy Healing on their patients. The three patients in this video are from one of such Pain Management clinics in the Los Angeles area.

“When you start the Reiki treatment, I feel I’m lifted to a mountain top! Like I’m floating on a piece of cloud. When you place your hands on different areas, like my shoulders and knees, I feel so relaxed that I can’t feel any better! That’s how good I feel. The pain decreases and I’m able to sleep so much better!”

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